Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I love this thought from Anil's Ghost:
"Anil would slip out of her sandals and stand in the shallow water, her toes among the white petals, her arms folded as she undressed the day, removing layers of events and incidents so they would no longer be within her......she would stand there for a while, then walk wet-footed to bed."
I have found you to can practice this thought. Each night before you go to sleep "undress your mind." One by one remove each layer of events and incidents of your day, fold them nicely and tuck them away for the night so, they are no longer a part of you. Tomorrow take out what you need, the rest leave tucked nicely out of minds reach, so as not to complicate your day. This is better than any sleeping pill. This is a good wabi-sabi exercise,......... you know the Japanese Art of looking at every thing bad or ugly and finding something good or beautiful about it.......
As I look back my X had a way of burrowing under my intelligence until I became uncertain I had any left. I will not allow myself to step back to the trauma of the 16 months of my divorce, 30 years trashed and smeared with hate and tears and fears of the future. How do you start your life over at 54........can you? Well, trust in the Universe and God they step forward with determination and say of course you can. In fact you will find in the long run it will be even better now. AND IT IS.
A wonderful Valentine's Day weekend just flew by and I am looking forward to baby sitting next weekend with three grandchildren......oh, and three dogs! We had a couple of beautiful sunny warm 60 degree days and are now in for a weekend of 30 degree weather......Oh Spring, hurry up and get here.

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