Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today is the big Super-Bowl game in Texas..... All men are just going crazy, for them it is better than Christmas. They are all getting their "Man caves" ready for a party. So girls, do you have a "woman cave" that you can retreat to? If not it is time you start thinking about a nook to retreat to. We hear how Teddy Roosevelt kept a game trophy room, Mark Twain had a billiards room and Churchill retreated his artist studio to paint......(no TV or bowl games in their days.) Have you ever heard if Mrs Roosevelt, Mrs Twain or Mrs Churchill had a "Woman cave? I haven't..... Well, I have staked out some "ME SPACE" in my little condo. In my master bedroom I have this wonderful four poster bed with lots of pillows. I have a book shelf with my favorite books close by. In one corner an Amish Fireplace which I use constantly with my TV and DVD player on top. In front of it is my big recliner chair with a handy table by it with a lamp, place for a drink, a good book, my Kindle, my Suduko book and Journal piled on it. Underneath the table is my knitting bag with my latest prayer shawl ready for a row or two. I have a comfy throw my daughter gave me for Christmas to snuggle in, when needed. In another corner is my sewing machine, which is still used a lot for projects for my grandchildren. Next to it a card table where I work on making jewelry when I'm in the mood. I have a lap-top computer that mostly lives in the kitchen, but can be right at home with it's wirelessness up stairs. I do spend many happy hours in my "Woman Cave". I can just grab the portable phone or cell phone, sit back and catch up on the latest with my family and friends. My meditation spot has an angle statue, a candle and a small water fountain......very peaceful. So to all my lady friends out there get you a "Woman Cave" with a door that locks! I think Green bay will win today!

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