Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines Day!.......I wish I could look back on a lot of Happy Valentines Day, but I can't. It is like they quite having Valentine's Day after I graduated from High School until, well the time my first daughter was in the first grade and brought home a valentine she had made me in school. My X of 30 years didn't seem to know about "that day" either. He never sent flowers, bought candy or took me to dinner. When the three girls got old enough to like Valentine's Day they have made my Valentine's Days very memorable. Even if your not madly in love with someone it is a nice way to say thank you for being there for me. Today my door bell rang and the postman left this box for me..........of course many thoughts rushed through my mind, a secret admirer, an old love, a surprise from a neighbor. The girls had all showed me their love and I have beautiful flowers everywhere to prove it. No, it was from the "Fairy Tales Brownie" Company and was sent by a sweet niece. What a fun surprise, and are they good! Life is full of surprises and it is so wonderful when it is a good surprise. I do look back on the wonderful years of childhood when you HAD to have the prettiest Valentine Box in your class. What boys sent you one, did it mention LOVE on it? Who got the most cards? My mother told how when she was young, a new girl moved into her class and didn't get any valentines, she felt so bad she erased her name off the back of all her valentines and gave them to this new girl whose name was Thyra Dyer and they remained best friends the rest of their lives. I have thought of that story every year and realized it showed me the kind of mother I had, she was always doing things like that to make someone else's life better. I guess that is what Valentine's Day is really about.

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Happy (Belated) Valentines Day Gram! I love you and wouldn't be where I am without you being around! LOVE YOU!!