Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Families are forever, and the best way to get through life is to be there for each other, through thick or thin. My parents loved us unconditionally, and even though you may not have always known it, we children would be there for each other. When mother died , we gathered around Dad, and he needed us more......and we needed him. The following story (supposedly passed from an old African King) is such a good example of the power of a family.
An old man is dying he calls his people to his side. He gives a short sturdy stick to each of his many off springs, wives and relatives. "Break the Stick", he instructs them. With some effort, they all snap their sticks in half. "This is how it is when a soul is alone without anyone. They can be easily broken."
The old man next gave each of his kin another stick, and says, "This is how I would like you to live after I pass away. Put your sticks together in bundles of two and threes, now break these bundles in half." No one could or can break the sticks when there are two or more in a bundle. The old man smiles. "We are strong when we stand with another soul. When we are truly with another we cannot be broken." This can be even more strong when families are bound together with a circle of love, the rubber band shows that circle clearly and as each family is encircled in the same band of love, the bundle becomes even more strong and supportive.
The Metaphor that goes with this is a young stick is sturdy and can survive alone with sunshine and water, but as the years go by and it is attacked by insects, drougth and weather it becomes old and begins to deteriorate and without the support of the young new generations of growth it soon becomes decayed and dies. This is true of families. This is true of businesses, both large and small, and of departments in business. Of support groups of states and of countries. Let us put our sticks together and love and support each other as an everyday pattern of life. This is how life is meant to be. Look at the turmoil the world is in today and see how this lesson could help millions of people.

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