Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Why do I love to write?
'When I write I slip into the page of print as if it were water.....and the pen or computer is the current that carries me where I want to go....not sure at first....but with each word the momentum of my thoughts picks up speed.....so does the pen and soon I am at my journey's end with the thought or picture I am painting on the page. Yes, that is what it's like to write for me....." Every person has a story that is his and his alone. A dozen people can read the same story and interpret it different through their own eyes and life experiences. I like the thought "ENJOY WHERE YOU ARE ON THE WAY TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING." To be able to write well is so satisfying. My mother was a writer and left so many wonderful memories for her family to enjoy many years after she was gone. Songs, poems, family histories.......how you put the letters of the alphabet together is the secret even if you have one letter on your computer that is on strike you can still make yourself understood, take for instance the following......A Difference of One.
My word procxssor is statx-of-thx-art, it works vxry wxll xxcxpt for onx kxy. Just a singlx kxy out of ordxr sxxms to xffxct thx wholx systxm. So, thx nxxt timx you think your participation is not important, rxmxmbxr my word procxssor....you arx a Diffxrxncx of Onx! I would encourage every person to write down just one thought or happening a day and see where the current carries you. Today is a bright sunny, cold wintry day. It snowed again last night which makes the skiers happy. I Am going to lunch with Sher, Kar and Kennedy......which makes any day with them a great day.

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