Friday, February 4, 2011


Why is it when you get together with a friend for lunch or coffee the conversation is dominated with the stories of your aches and pains. It use to be your children or job but as you age, kids grow up, you retire, what else is there that is important to you?
No matter what your problem is by the end of your session you wouldn't trade yours problems for theirs. I guess that is what these girl sessions are for. This whole week has been freezing cold. My sweet daughter in Vernal has even had it worse, it's always about 20 degrees colder there and her poor cat got pneumonia!......she reports the antibiotics are working. I think the following poem is great and I am trying to get in the habit of saying "Oh, I'm just fine."
There's nothing whatever the matter with me. I'm just as healthy as I can be.
I have arthritis in both knees, And when I talk, I talk with a Wheeze.
My pulse is weak, and my blood is thin, But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in!
I think my liver is out of whack, And a terrible pain is in my back.
My hearing is poor, my sight is dim, Most everything seems to be out of trim.
Arch supports I have for my feet, Or I wouldn't be able to be on the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night, but every morning I find I'm alright.
My memory is failing, my heads in a spin, But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
The moral is this, as my tale I unfold. That for you and me who are growing old,
It's better say "I'm fine", with a grin, Than to let folks know the shape we are in.
Yea, I'm fine today.............kinda, sorta!

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