Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday I went to a fun class at the Senior Center given by W. Higashi. One of the subjects was from "The Dynamic Laws of Healing."
The word "Occult" means that which is secret. The ancient Egyptians had a special secret name they called on for producing wonderful results. That occult name was "I AM".
"I AM" was the Hebrew's name for God, and they became known as "People of the I AM." There are strange powers lying dormant within the name. All that you dream of as desirable can be released through the redeeming words, "I AM", because these words stir up the divine nature within you. "I AM" is the name of GOD within you.
Every time you say "I AM" you have released a dynamic force that is going to produce results. Since this dynamic force has no choice but to produce whatever you join to it, be careful what you attach to the words "I AM." If you say, "I am lonely," "I am tired," "I am weak," "I am getting old," "I am unhappy," "I am a failure," "I am sick", you are exercising a power that will produce results.
Even though it doesn't seem true at the moment if you say , "I am healthy," "I am happy," "I am prosperous," "I am a success," it will begin to come true. Jesus knew the power and used the "I AM" statements upward: "I am the way, the truth, the life, a king, a good shepherd."
Your "I AM" power is especially effective in healing. When you speak the words "I AM", every cell and atom of your being springs to attention. Many people have experienced healing's of mind, body and affairs by using the following simple formula: "I am healthy, strong, well , eternally youthful."Through proper use of your "I AM" power, you will find yourself filled with the creative power of the universe, to which nothing is impossible. You can affect others in a positive direction by saying "I am joy." (Read Isiah) Yes, "I AM having a wonderful day!"

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