Sunday, February 13, 2011


I'm not sure what Fear would look like, but to me fear makes me feel, like this guy looks.
"Because of feelings of fear, many people never "step out", therefore they never "find out" what they are capable of."
We have all been a victim of fear. Fear can be connected to confidence. Some people have no confidence in themselves at all. What causes this? Perhaps their health, wealth, status, looks or a weight problem. Under-confidence is a condition---and can cause us to be afraid or have fear of things. Fear is an emotional virus, it begins as a thought then affects your behaviors and emotions.
If you are fearful it is hard to reach your potential in life. You are always to afraid to try something new or different. It can become a cruel ruler, fear brings with it the thought of punishment in some form......or something bad. I always wanted to be a public speaker and loved being on the Speakers Bureau for the Rape Crisis Center for quite a few years. I loved being able to inform and teach people. Then I had a chance to speak on Cruises under the umbrella of "Life Enrichment" but I was afraid and almost pasted up the chance. Finally I had to face the fear and do it anyway.......I did it and loved it. A growing experience in my life. There are still some things I fear that I may never conquer, like fear of snakes and spiders, sky diving, being a race car driver........but, each day brings new challenges and I will not be afraid to tackle them.

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