Tuesday, February 22, 2011


After four days baby sitting the three Cookie grandchildren and three dogs, plus mine I can well understand it when my cute daughter tells me she is tired. All three children were on antibiotics, so I played, doctor, baby sitter and dog tender and you know how that goes. Let them in....let them out......let them in.....etc.etc.etc. The dogs are BIG dogs and Marley and I battle over who is going to be the alfa dog in the house! I don't always win either. He is such a lover it is hard to really get mad at him but once in awhile I like to go through a door first, or down the stairs first or decide when I want company on my bed. Marley just doesn't seem to understand that. The children know I'm the ALFA of their group. My cute 9 year old rather demands my full attention. I played about 100 games of UNO with him and won once or twice. We took in the Nickel Cade and McDonalds and I learned how to use the famous "Red Box" that seem to be everywhere. Nothing to it, punch in the movie you want, swipe your credit card and pow out comes the movie. I was happy to learn something new. Then, they said when you take them back grandma just push a button and drop them in the slot.............sure..........I couldn't find a button and they wouldn't fit in the slot. I finally went into the 7-11 and admitted to the clerk the machine was smarter than I......not to mention the grand kids.....and could they please show me how to get those movies back into that red box. A very nice young girl gave me a look and showed me. But now I know, you lift the screen, tell it your back, it opens up and confirms you have returned the movie. You know that is really kinda interesting and not a bad thing to know.
I also took Saturday afternoon off and went to the Ballet, "Sleeping Beauty" with Pam and Tiffany, it was so beautifully done and the costumes were amazing. Of course, Gigi and I were glad to get back in our own little beds last night.

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