Friday, January 14, 2011


When you have don't eat smart. We were taught in my clean your plates......not waste anything. So, in my adult hood I have to admit I helped myself to the last bit of room temperature casserole, just because I didn't want to throw it out. I have robotically nibbled my way through a bag of fast-food fries, even though they were soggy and cold. You eat stupid things, just because they are there. We were taught "waste not, want not."
Do you realize it's the clock that can sabotage your eating habits in ways you never realized. It's's, you know finish off the left overs from last night. It is dinner time, gotta eat! Have you ever eaten dessert after a massive entree even though you were full?
Now, in front of the mirror especially after the holidays you say, "that can't be me!" Suck it up are five pounds heavier. So now I get back to the oat meal and cranberry juice. I didn't mention the word diet in my New Years Resolution. But, in my heart I knew I better get serious for my heart's sake. I can say that now after my two dear friends came over to coffee this morning and between the three of us almost polished off a box of a dozen mixed doughnuts.
We had a good time, eating and talking and it all ended up with us feeling we could conquer the world what the heck. Tomorrow is the day I get serious........well kinda sorta.

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