Sunday, January 9, 2011


Things just keep getting better in my life. Today Brayden (Christenson), will get his Eagle Scout Award. This is the third grandson so far to receive this outstanding award. The boys work very hard to prove they can do all the things required of a a young man........and it seems the parents are also awarded honorable mention, after watching the work they do to keep things moving. On the left is the invitation his mother made for tonight's party. I wish I could be there but Vernal in this weather is not easy for me to get to. The invitation shows Brayden in Africa building desks for a new school that was dedicated while he and his mother were there last summer doing volunteer work for the charity "Koins for Kenya." This was a pretty big step for someone 14 years old. Brayden is a hard worker, is so good to his grandmothers and lots of fun. The picture on the left is a fun memory to me. Brayden drove me up to the petroglyphs in back of their house in this funny little buggy they call a is a ride I will never forget! I had three daughters and no sons, but now I am repeating the rewards through my six grandsons. Congratulations Brayden, your grandmother is very proud of you!

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