Friday, December 10, 2010


Two weeks from tonight is Christmas Eve.......I can't believe how fast it is descending upon us. I know, I have had a whole year to get ready for it and I am still stressing about it. Finally today I think I have the house ready and the outside lighting.......I still have shopping and wrapping to do. Maybe tomorrow. I zipped off for lunch and shopping a couple of hours at the Quilted Bear, which is a fun craft boutique, with Pam. I was just going to look, but I bought an angel that when you opened her skirt you see the Nativity scene, by Jim Shore. His works are so wonderful,........really Pam made me do it! I am trying to learn to live in the moment. Pain can come from living in the past or future. I can't let the hurts in the past control my years in the future. I can't think of bad health, loneliness or poverty and let them ruin this moment! Living in the moment creates a state of peace even when the moment is a stressful time. If you are mad or sad or fearful, that's O.K. This happens to all of us. Just don't get stuck in it! To be in the moment with your emotions is important because you can move through them more easily........don't get stuck in denial. Living in the moment is a core element of being ageless. I am sad about Lavern Leonard's husband dieing Saturday. For Dulsey dieing this week, for Ann in the hospital and also Elaine in the hospital. Live in the moment, you never know when your turn will come. Today was a great day, I talked to all three of my girls!

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