Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Living it up on Tailwind Ranch........

It's great to look out any window here and see some horses, or cows or chickens at the neighbors. The weather is clear and nice, but icy cold out side. I love to watch the horses from inside my nice warm house, they don't seem to mind the cold weather. This is certainly different than the ranch I lived on when I was young. Sherrrie has six bathrooms, we had an outhouse with two holes..........We went down to the spring for our water, Sherrie has two big sinks and lots of hot water. We had no power or instant heat and we would have died for a big hot tub.......All of this is included at ranches now days I guess. The family is busy starting at 6:30 every morning. The two big boys have chores before school. They take turns building a fire in the BIG blue barn and feeding the horses. At night it's the same story. The little one empties the dishwashers and takes out the garbage and is in charge of food and water for the three dogs. He is sharing his room with me and in the morning I get up to let my dog out and when I come back he has made my side of the there is no going back to bed in this house. My main job is to get the boys off to school and feed them so I have been catching up on my knitting and reading and blogging a little. Nice vacation.

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Love you Gram! I can't wait to join you in your vacation on Friday! :) Love you!!