Friday, December 24, 2010


What a great family party we had last night. While I grew up my family was the center of my universe, now my parents and two of my sisters are gone and the center of my universe revolves around my three daughters, as it should. They each got married and had three children and so my universe has gotten larger...........and more wonderful. Last night for a few hours we gathered around each other sharing love, presents, good food and family. In those few hours there were no problems of war, poverty, sickness or sadness that took priority over our love for each other. Too bad, we can't live our lives in that kind of world, but we all know better. We had a great meal in which everyone contributes. Then on to grandma's program........we have given up on the talent end so now we play games and read stories. My story was on Thankfulness and Gratitude. A true story of 2 missionaries in Ecuador passing out candy one Christmas day. One little boy said no thank you he already had the best gift ever. To the amazement of the missionaries it was a piece of string from his father. They had made a hole in an empty tuna fish can and tied the piece of string and he had been hauling rocks in it. I ask my 9 grandchildren if they would be that excited if all they got for Christmas was a piece of string? They weren't too keen on the idea. I have so much to be thankful for this Holiday. I do wish I could gather everyone up and make their worlds better.
Tonight I am off for Christmas Eve at the cooks. Dinner and games and then get up to see what Santa brought and I always have a stocking full of goodies! All I can say is Thank You God for a great holiday.

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