Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yep, it's almost here.......Santa's sleigh is loaded and so is grandma's house......My to do list is just about crossed off, One more gift to deliver and then start the cooking.......oh yes, Gigi still hasn't had her bath!
Tomorrow, the day before Christmas Eve we are having our family party. I have decided tomorrow is a gift for me to unwrap and make a fresh start. It is a chance to let go of old hurts, discover new joys and take another step forward toward my beautiful future. It is the perfect time to take time for me! Tomorrow holds, 1,440 minutes. Enough time for me to spend some on me. I bought a new book at Costco "Three Cups of Tea", everyone keeps recommending it. I want to finish knitting a prayer shawl, do some Suduko, and maybe sleep in a little. Call my sister and maybe a few other dear friends. It is so nice to be ready to enjoy this wonderful time of year. Ran by Lavern's today, she was crying and having a bad day, Chet died 10 days ago. Then on to my friend Pat Noall, she was happy and looking forward to her three little granddaughters driving in from Las Vegas for Christmas. I guess we all have our crosses to bear and I am very lucky this year. I think I am about to arrive at the time of being "The Woman I Was Meant To Be!"

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