Sunday, December 26, 2010


What a wonderful Christmas this was. My whole family gathered around. You never know if the next year everyone can make it home or not, but next year we will worry about that and rejoice in our good fortune this year. A wonderful Christmas party at my house on the 23rd and then Christmas Eve everyone had their own agenda. Pam has her family for dinner and presents, Sherrie and Darren return to Vernal to be at home with their family and I have been going to the Cooks since Sherrie moved to Vernal. They treat me royally and the kids are a lot of fun. We had a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood, watched a couple of short Christmas stories, played a game and had a good dinner. Then off to bed to wait for Santa. Christmas morning great with way to many presents. Got some rubber boots, a new pillow, a coffee pot and filters, a watch, a box of games and some fun stocking stuffers. After breakfast home to rec0operate........which ended in a four hour nap! I ordered a movie for my new "Kindle" and read myself to sleep! Five more days left in this year of 2010, I'm working on my New Year's resolution for 2011.

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