Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Yea, I finally got this temperamental thing to bring up my blog, I can't get email but by going to favorites I could pull up my blog........explain that to me. I need my blog to record the great time I am having in my life. As reported I had a great Thanksgiving, then off to baby sit in Vernal for 8 days. The farm was fun with my three darling grandsons, Alex, Brayden and Kennedy. Then another family drove out to bring me home. Pam, Rob, Tiff and Scott which just added to fun and good feelings you get when you are surrounded by the people you love and those who love you. At home in Salt Lake my third daughter was taking in the mail, feeding the fish and keeping an eye on my house.......more love shown. I am the luckiest mother in the world. When I got home Sunday I unpacked and showered and zipped off to the Cheese Cake Factory for dinner for my oldest grandson, William, who turned 20. My blessings just keep growing. Yesterday was Mammogram test day and the wonderful grandchildren Richard and Annie popped over after school to bring up my Christmas trees, haul out some decorations and help me set up some lites in the front yard. Now today I will get serious about Christmas. Clean house, decorate the house and maybe start wrapping Christmas gifts, thank goodness I am almost through with the shopping, just a few fun things left to do. The top picture on the left is me with Pam, Sherrie and Karrie. On the left is the Pannier family at Tiff's wedding........they are the ones who drove to Vernal for me and William, whose birthday we just celebrated is in the picture. (Added for those who read this a 100 years from now and wonders who the people in the pictures are.)

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