Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Did you know Charles Dickens began writing "A Christmas Carol" in October 1843 and completed it six weeks later, in December of the same year.
Few families in Victorian England owned an oven. Like the Cachet's they would bring their goose or turkey to the local baker who would cook it for a small fee. Bob Crochets would have paid seven shillings for the goose, 5 for the pudding and three shillings for the onions, oranges and sage, (In 1800 a shilling was worth about forty cents), today the cost of these items would be about $58.00. In Crotchet's day about $6.00. I guess when we start complaining how bad we have things we need to stop and think, at least we all have our own ovens to cook in......which is our tradition for the holidays. Today I went shopping for my Christmas dinner, yes it was a bit over the $58.00 dollars of by gone years but that is life. We will be having dinner and celebrating the 23rd, so the Christensons can be back home for Christmas Eve. Every one should be in their own homes or with family for Christmas. It snowed all morning, but cleared this afternoon. This morning I set the tables and this afternoon went grocery shopping. One more stop to Costco tomorrow to get the turkey and a couple of odds and ends. I have a few gifts to deliver to friends and then I will be ready for the Jolly Old Man and Christmas!

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