Monday, December 13, 2010

Getting It All Done.....

My to do list is long this Monday........Been wrapping presents, then off to get my nails done. Still have a couple of items to look for. Have to stop and get desert to take to our little domino group's lunch tomorrow. I am sorry I will miss Dulsey Evans funeral, but you can only do so much. Having great weather about 52 degrees today, sweater weather. Karrie and Pam have both had sick people to fun. I do have the house decorated. I have to wrap the neighbors and friends gifts and deliver them. Make name decorations for my Christmas table, Write a Christmas letter for a few out of town friends, not sending many cards this year. Make red pepper sauce for a few special friends and deliver my cousins present across town. Fill my "thankful sacks".......a Christmas evening game. The list just goes on and on and on! I have 10 days, so better keep at it! Leslie called, Richard Northcott in trouble again, drugs I think! My sister's heart would break if she were alive. Annie needed a Christmas sweater for a program tomorrow, thank goodness grandma had a couple she could choose from, I love that little girl. Today was a good day. I hate days when all you can say is "Ah, I see the screw-up fairy was here again!" I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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