Monday, December 20, 2010


My Christmas to do list is slowly getting smaller. It is snowing again today, but that is good so we will have a White Christmas. I have the presents all wrapped and am working on the house cleaning. I have decided to leave a few cobwebs because I love the Legend of the Christmas Spider: An old European Christmas legend tells of a poor woman unable to provide the traditional decorations for the special holiday. A spider made his home in her tree and began to spin beautiful webs. On Christmas morning, the first light of sun struck the cobwebs, turning them to silver. When the woman awoke, she found the tree was covered with silver treasure. The spider had brought good fortune! So I figure keeping a few spiders in the corners won't hurt. Will go shopping for food tomorrow and set the tables. Then get a few gifts delivered to friends and that should about do it.........My cute granddaughter Nicci will be home today for the holidays, that will complete our family. The Cooks and Panniers have had a week or so of illness, hope they are on the home stretch of conquering those germs.
Well, four nights until Santa comes!

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