Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today Rich turned 17, wow the last year flew by. He was just starting to drive one year ago. We had planned our annual birthday party at the Spaghetti Factory tonight, but were derailed by a huge snow storm and decided it wasn't worth the hastle on the bad roads. I had gone to bridge at noon and as we were leaving about four here came the snow storm with a vengeance. I drove home 20 miles an hour and was very happy to turn safely into my drive way. I know the skiers in my family are jumping up and down with joy as every snow flakes falls.......The only good thing about Salt Lake is they have the equipment and salt and get right on the roads after a storm. In a couple of days we will be o.k. Nicci's boy friend Bill was to arrive about 4:30, hope the plane could land. Pam is still sick with her cold, it has been two weeks and she and Karrie just can't shake it. This picture of Rich was taken in October at Tiffany's wedding, he is so handsome and precious to me. Happy Birthday Rich!

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