Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Don't know why but couldn't get a picture to come up on this blog......As you can see my week was full of bad news........and some good news. While I was out of town for a week, I found out my good friend Ann was in the hospital for five day, they couldn't find anything wrong. My friend Elaine was in the hospital for three weeks because of blood clots and an old friend's husband died Saturday, Chet Leonard was a friend for many years, at least the last 40. He has a darling wife Lavern that will miss him over the Holidays. I was also sad about Elizabeth Edward's death and yesterday was 40 years since Pearl Harbor was bombed......I was 8 years old and my folks were very upset. In my life time several really bad things have happened.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor and our terrible retaliation of the atomic bomb and the planes flying into the twin towers and the consequences that have followed. Why do people do these things to each other????? I finally got the Christmas trees up today and a start on my Christmas Decorations, yet, I have so much to do before the Holidays. My next two weeks will be busy.......

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