Friday, December 17, 2010

Counting the Days and almost the hours.....

This time of year is so exciting! As I grow older I value each Christmas I can add to my life's cycle.
Of course, my family has many traditions that we cling to and hope we are passing on to the grandchildren who will continue them for our great-grandchildren. We have Santa's Red chair we each take a turn sitting on and receiving a present from the Santa sack and tell what we wish for in the New Year. We play the "Thankful Game" picking an unmarked sack and being thankful for whatever we receive no matter how bad we hate it........
I like to remind everyone with an appropriate story what Christmas is really all about........not just good food and presents. I am excited because everyone will be to the Christmas celebration in fact we are adding a new family member this year. Tiffany married Scott in October. Nicci will be home from graduate school, but we never know when that will end and the boys are now nearing the age of LDS Missions, that would be two years away. We have given up having Santa arrive and the wild pinata in the garage. The kids are out growing a few of our favorite things! I hope everyone always remembers how fun Christmas at Grandma's house was............We are a strong family that will always be flexible and take advantage of all the good in our lives.

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Your party is my favorite--so no worries! :)