Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time to pack up & go...............

This is the weekend that signals it is time to pack up and go somewhere.........any where. How well I remember those days. School is out for some so the long weekend continues into the summer months, for some who work it is just a nice long weekend. I always loved and looked forward to heading out to Southern Utah, home to Colorado or to our cabin in Wyoming as this signaled a time to escape the long winter months and being tied down to the school schedule. This weekend one daughter's family went to Bear Lake, One is packing for their boat in Lake Powell and the third is home here only because the new floor being laid in St George did not get finished. I would have loved to have gone somewhere, if I could have just snapped my fingers and be there, but the thought of long spells of sitting in cramped positions, not having room to take what I think I need and the new prices for everything makes me think twice. I have been lucky and traveled the world all my life but feel it's about time to hang out my "DUNROVIN" sign. Unless you are one of the lucky few who can afford to fly first class, the hassles and expenses involved in traveling these days make you stop and say, "how bad do I really want to go?" Mr Wharton nailed it when he wrote "It's bad en0ugh that prices are up, most planes are full to capacity and you are nickeled and dimed to death with service charges for things like meals, pillows and luggage. You almost have to do a striptease when clearing security!" I am tired of worrying if I have 5 ounces of shampoo when I am only allowed 3 ounces. Delay, delay, delay and lost luggage. If you miss a connection it only means more delay and long lines. In the past I never worried about hurricanes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions or earth quakes so big they become disasters that affect flights all over the world. The threat of terrorism in many parts of the world is no joke...........I once had the opportunity to visit the sight of the plane crash that went down in Lockerbe Scotland, that brought terrorism home to me. But, I have learned in my many years, "never say never" and with all the hassles of traveling, if and when an occasion arises that entices me to pack up and go somewhere, I probably will. I just have Gypsies blood in me and when the North Wind blows I get the urge to "pack up", but more and more I can talk myself out of it. I hope all the brave souls out there have a Happy Memorial Day weekend.

1 comment:

Sherrie Christenson said...

Amen! Why don't I just stay home?