Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nick Names

Today I got a call from a long lost friend, his sister and I were roommates when I was a freshman in college, and that was many years ago. "Hi, is this Betty, Betty Buttons?" Now it has been awhile since I was called Buttons by anyone but my family. So that was a clue it was an "old friend". It was fun to chat with him and catch up on each other's family members. His sister is going blind which I was sad to hear, as we have not kept in touch over these many years. Why Buttons you ask? Well, when I was in the eighth grade I wrote a paper on the life of a button. From the time it was new and sewn on a shirt on through the many adventures it endured until it became a cherished button of someones buttons collection........I had a good imagination! A couple of the boys in class started calling me Buttons, just to activate me and the madder I would get the more they called me that and soon many people were calling me by the nick-name and my family picked it up and all of my X's family called me Buttons when we got married. I finally gave in to it and liked being called Buttons. My little brother called me BoBo for awhile, but mostly in my early years of school I was just Betty Ree, shorten from Betty Marie. I have always been glad my nick-name was something I liked, many people get real flattering ones like, Red, Lard, Baldy, Four Eyes, Chub, etc. that don't exactly flatter. The beautiful buttons made today would really make a fun story, you know about color doesn't matter, fun being different and they come in all sizes but still have one job to hold things together and decorate things. Well, anyway,now you know why I got the nickname I've had all these years!

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