Thursday, May 20, 2010


Is he a cute guy......or what? This is a picture of my third grandson Richard Benjamin Cook. He was such a cute baby, then a cute big brother to his little sister Andrea and now a darling 16 year old. He is now driving
and is a great LaCross player. He is very good to his grandmother and came over yesterday to help me get my back yard ready for summer. He planted flowers, washed off the patio furniture, emptied and cleaned out the fish pond and help me get the pump going for the fountain. He washed off the steps and got my fountain on the porch filled and working. He carried out a lot of garbage for garbage day tomorrow. I feel sad for the grandma's out there who don't have sweet, willing grandchildren to make life easier. We got to visit one on one which is great as busy as these young people are. He is going to Europe to back pack with his father and another father and son, as soon as school is out (in 2 weeks) and is very excited. I am thrilled for him. Also, he has a special name "Richard". My immediate family is full of Richards. My father, my grandfather, my brother, a cousin and a nephew. His parents have done a very good job rearing a loving, caring and sweet son.

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