Saturday, May 15, 2010


Beautiful day..........finally feels like spring. I finished planting my pots today. Now I feel like I have sprung into spring. I love to look out on my patio and see pots of pretty blooms. My patio is not on the ground level where my flower beds are, so I fill the patio with flowers I can see from the kitchen.
I just want you to know I have entered the Snapdragon part of my life! How do I know? Part of me has snapped and the rest of me is draggin'. No, really after diggin, dragging the hose all over and getting my hands all mucked up, I feel I have snapped and boy am I draggin' tonight. I decided to check in to the snapdragon flower on it's origin, meaning and beautiful colors.
As the snapdragons other worldly appearance may suggest it has long been associated with magical thinking in Germany. If a snapdragon was hung over a baby's bed, the child would be safe from evil spirits. WOW, "I didn't know that".! They have been thought to drive away evil and restore youthfulness and beauty to woman as well as bring back vigor and energy in everyone. During middle ages these flowers were woven into the hair of maidens so as to make them both gracious and intriguing. Snapdragons were used to make cooking oils, dyes, perfume and medicine. These bitter tasting flowers have sometimes been used as stimulants, and turned into polices to help heal tumors and ulcers.
Be prepared, the snapdragon part of your life is sure to catch up with you sooner or later, Part of you will snap and the other part will be dragon...........But, this to will pass!

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