Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dream Catchers

Human kind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect. _Chief Seattle_
Beautiful legends tracing the origin of dream catchers are many. The Lakotas believe good dreams are caught to become part of the web of life, while bad dreams slip through the center hole.
The NAVAJO, Ojibwe and Chippewa legends hold that the web catches the bad dreams, preventing them from passing into dream time, while the good dreams slip through the center and down the feathers to our heads. The bad dreams get tangled and lost in the web. In legends, morning sunlight purifies the web of bad dreams.
Traditional dream catchers have 8 or more points where the web attaches to the circular hoop, representing the legs of the spider. The spider is symbolic of female creative energies,wisdom and learning.. Faith in the Great Spirit causes the dream catcher to hold not only good dreams, but good visions, ideas and opportunities to help people achieve their ideals and goals.
Once upon a time a friend and I started making these wonderful works of art and sold a few.
Having grown up next to the Navajo and Ute Reservations I so love the legends and traditions of these wonderful people. What a piece of mind to have a dream catcher over your bed knowing only the good dreams would slide down the dangling feathers in your sleep. Never more to be awakened by a bad dream. These wonderful people have such emotion bearing ways of explaining life in all of its dimensions.

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