Thursday, May 13, 2010

Diggin in the Dirt

Sad but true! A birthday card I got this year, they must have been peaking when I was out planting. Today I got serious and planted all the pots in the front, if they freeze they freeze, after all it is the 13th of May, is summer never coming? I get so excited this time every year, all the wonderful flowers to choose from. Every year they come out with more exotic colors in flowers and I always want one of each. Next I will tackle the back yard, which is bigger and full of weeds. I love to have many pots of flowers on the porch in view from the inside of the house so I can enjoy them easily. I love my fish pond I built and my lower patio with a little white rot iron table and chairs. On the patio I have a fountain and when I turn it on I can enjoy it in the house. At this point my wisteria plant is in full bloom, it was a present from Karrie for Mother's Day one year and has really taken off this year. I have had neighbors who never put one plant in the ground in the spring, which is interesting to me. The manager of the condo unit is flower crazy so our grounds are pretty each year. I hope we get that little shower forecast so I don't have to water the new pots for a day or two. I have no real favorite flower, just love them all...........

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