Friday, May 14, 2010


I Just remodeled the kitchen which means cleaning out a lot of things..........I came across a cup with my name on it: Betty with the words : Meaning: Special One. You are especially Unique and rare For the array of talents You can bring to bear. You've got a golden touch, A definite flair For thinking and creating with skill and care. You'll always be treasured, as long as you live, if you promise to share All that you have got to give. Do I use this cup? No. Could I part with it? No. It's one of those things you cherish because someone you love gave it to you........and are now gone. Jo loved giving gifts and I have many things I cherish because "Jo gave them to me." She knew she was dying of cancer and just before her last Christmas she gave me a big statue of an angle with long slender legs. She was very overweight when she died, but in her youth had been a very tall slender girl and always looked at herself in those terms. She said when you look at this you will always think of me, and I do. We also made an agreement that she would always be my guardian angel and leave me signs to remind me of it. She would leave me "pennies".......and she does. You would not believe the strange places and times a penny pops up just when I need a smile or a positive thought. I love you Jo, you were a great little sister and I miss you lots.

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