Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mother's Day ..........To my Mom. Hazel Marie Goff/Yeomans. She has been gone for 40 years now, but I think of her and the wonderful mother she was to me and my siblings and various other children and cousins that lived with us throughout her life time. She was always for the underdog in a bad situation, the first to step forward and offer assistance after a fire, death, or mishap to a person. She could do everything!!!!. She was a wonderful musician, writing music playing several instruments. She played for dances all around our community, and for funerals, church and school programs. She painted, she sewed everything her four daughters wore, redid furniture, curtains, etc. She helped her husband who had a taxidermist shop by sewing trim for the bear, fox or mt. lion rugs. She made leather jackets for people and moccasins out of the leather. If she wanted a window in the bathroom, she cut one. If she wanted the door in the living room boarded up, she boarded it up and wall papered over it. She loved old things......our home was full of antiques and she loved garage sales and hunting bottles and iron pots etc from the dump. She loved to paint and I cherish her pictures. She loved rocks and old driftwood and tree forms. She did not like to cook or clean house, but she had four girls that took over some of those chores which freed her up to pursue what she loved. She wrote a beautiful book of poems, and was a reporter for our newspaper and Durango and Cortez, two neighboring town. Mother did not work outside the home so she was there when we left in the morning and she was there when we came home after school. Her last child was a boy, which was pretty special in our family after four girls. One day she cut up an old inner tube and cut him a handle out of a willow and made Jim a sling shot. She had also made him a bow and arrow........she later overheard him telling a friend, Mother and Jesus can do anything. She felt honored to be put in the same class as Jesus. She was the neighborhood barber (for free), our home was always a meeting place because it was warm and friendly. She loved unconditionally and let each one of us find our own way, backing us in our choices. If it was a mistake she was the soft spot we needed when we fell. She died of cancer at 58, so I never thought of her as old. She loved her grandchildren and made those who got to know her feel loved and special. She made them leather jackets, blankets and taught them music and to paint and create fun things. She loved the church and I am sure God was happy to see her. I miss you Mom, Happy Mother's Day.

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