Tuesday, July 28, 2020


I am finding out this life of CD-19 is starting to get to me......all I want to do is sleep!  ,,,,and eat!  I am realizing how much other people in your life matter.....even people i don't know at the grocery store are nice to just see and wonder if they are having the same struggle I am.  So many helpful hints on how to beat stress......Sniff vetiver oil.....deep sniffs of this earthy essential oil can calm your brain as effectively as Xanax....it promps the release of focus-enhancing brain waves......OR sipping 24 oz of iced paasion flower tea daily could sooth stress and anxiety as effectively as taking a perscription med like Valium......It releases an anxiety ending hormome called GABA.....OR just sit and feel sorry for yourself hoping for a phone call and some exciting mail.....or another Dr. Phil re-run?

NEW TOY......

Pam and Rob's new toy.......I can hardly wait to see it.....They took it out to a  camp ground by Vernal last weekend to break it in......They are both so busy ......Pam will be off to Seattle to stay with Nicci for two weeks on Sunday and after that Rob is off to California for Amazon training for three weeks....before they know it .....it will be Christmas and they will have to store it till next year!  I think they are missing their cabin.....but a perfect retirement project......


Happy Anniversary to Alex and Ashlyn.....two years ago today we saw them married in the Christenson's backyard with reception in the garage......They have come a long ways in two years......even with set backs like their house burning down....Ashlyn finished her nursing degree and Alex always busy.  Here they are last weekend in Lake Powell with the family living it up??? Looks fun.....but scary.

Friday, July 24, 2020


BE KIND.....That was one of mother's favorite lessons as I was growing up....and she walked the talk......I always felt you were a hypocrite if you were nice to someone you didn't like....but she always said....."it doesn't  hurt to be kind".....and as I grew older I realized what she meant...you never know what another person is going through in life and why be mean and maker it worse for them?
"There are so many great choices we can make every day.....Today take a step.....any size you decide....maybe toward a dream you have...or it could be a step back from a past choice that did not work out.  Today you can make a move.....big or small.....forward or backwrd.....but take a step that boosts your well-being.  Today be happy ....be kind and good and rceive  the happinss you deserve in life.


SCOTTY COOK.....My youngest grandchild after being set aside for his mission..... a few days ago.....I can even see his badge.....He is so happy to finally be beginning his mission...even though the first six weeks are in Karrie's basement...the new MTC....Studying and starting a new life for the next two years....then of to FORT COLLINS, COLORADO...(so happy it isn't Brazil)....I am so proud of you.....and will miss you!

HAPPY 24th OF JULY......

This 24th of July......No parades....fireworks......Rodeo or celebration....because of the Viris!
To most of the country......this day is no different than most 24 of July.....but to the LDS in  Utah it is a big day for us and has been for many years....We looked forward to it more than the Fourth. Families get together for picnics and parties.....and out come the sparklers!  But today is a bright sunny day with a light breeze.....some people are out of town with family...Rob and Pam were going to try out their new "Mobile Home".....heading for Heber I think....Sher;s gang are in Lake Powell....and Libby and Brayden  are suppose move back in the basement.   They spent March, April and May in Page helping Darren.....and when Bray went back to work in June they moved up to the Christenson's cabin in Park City so to be closer to Brayden's work....but back to Grandma's for school for Libby in August.....and Bray commute.....like Will and Liz and many more.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Day by day I feel more stressed......Knowing I am on the counting days of life.....and so far it has been good and I do hope it continues with all this viris stuff and Biden and Trump election.  If Biden is elected I would move to another country.....only I am to old to move......so please God hear our prayers and let Trump win in November......
Guess the kids are moving down from the cabin this weekend....so roommates again. Libby's brother is moving in next week.....try and find a job in Orem before school starts....here for a couple of weeks.....Here we are the middle of summer ....and yes, it has been in the 90,s most the month and rained a little today.....I was going to the store....no milk etc.....but almost Dr Phil time so .....tomorrow!  Art...crafts.....music.....hobby,,,reading.....or work in the garden.....Got to keep trying....Seems life is about being "NEEDED".......And when you find your not needed any more ....life gets pretty dull an quiet.


ELDER SCOTT COOK......is the tall blond good looking guy.........was set aside yesterday ......He will  spend 6 weeks in the basment doing MTC and studying Por che geese????(better learn to spell
 it}....then on to Fort Collins, Colorado to serve his mission......which was orginally Brazil....
The Cooks had a little get together with two other boys leaving on missions... in a park last evening.......Pam and I drove up to tell Scotty good bye and good luck.....He is my youngest 
grandchild out of 9......I didn't cry like I did with the others....well Ken was different...he moved in with me and I became his  companion......

Thursday, July 16, 2020


I am waiting for Wisdom with all the other little old friends I have......How will I know when it drops in on me?  WISDOM......I just never stopped and looked at the word....or wonder if it had a place in my life......maybe when I get my Wisdom I will be whole different me????
At this Viris time in our life....Yes. it does grind on me and my mood and feelings of being cooped up to stay well....I get very unhappy and shut down ......I read a little trick I am going to try........
The author told how her mother always stopped and touched the same bush before she entered the house....for as long as she could remember and she never asked why.....Then one day she ask her mother why she did it?  "That is my worry bush...... she said....I touch it and leave all my worries there so I don't  hold on to them any more." So great.......I recommend we all get us  a worry bush or tree or plant to leave our problems by the front door and not take them in to toss and turn with all night or take our hurt, fear, angry etc. out on others we love.


Do all families live by these rules like mine did....I have heard these saying from Grandma's days.
Is this how children are prepared to survive the coming years?  Knowing every day is not sunshine and flowers .......and what you do in your life has a consequence.....hopefully a good one....that makes you happy and rich.  Sometimes you choose not to sow a good living and guess what your life turns in a hell.....but thanks to God's forgiving heart you can choose to sow much more and your life gets much better.....seeing this some family members......Hard lesson to learn.


I know growing up....sisters can be your best friend or your worst......I know I had three little sisters.....So sad two of my sisters are gone now....but thankgoodness I still have one left...and she is my "go to".....with good news or bad!.....she doesn't judge me....just listens to my moaning and grooning....till I feel better......we compare our ailments.....what our kids....grandkids and even our great-grandkids~are doing.....Catch up on all the relatives we have in common...share craft ideas.....and keep an eye on baby brother....JIM......yes, I surely agree....I always feel better after Les and I hash over our latest crisis of growing old......or share our lastest every day happenings.....
Yesterday had some cancer removed from my arm....a little tender today.
Can't believe how fast the summer is flying by and the Viris is keeping us shut-up and in a mask....but as long as we stay well.....we can handle it.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Be kind, be fair, be honest, be true, and all these things will come back to you!......
You know ....what goes round....comes round......SO TRUE!!
As I sit here 88 years down the road of life.....I regret nothing in my life....Even if my past had some  hurt...single mother at 54.....and rejection is hard for some little grey headed lady we labeled "the KMart Lady" to break up our home.......could break up 30 years of marriage....After 34 years I am me becuse of the past....and a much better person.....Even my past  had some hurt I still look back and smile,  Because my past made me who I am today and made me strong.....loving God more and so proud of what I have accomplished by hanging on.....I do not understand having to go through this period of viris..but I know God has a reason....so I will obey the rules best I can.
I am so rich....safe home.....not hungry......family and friends and neighbors who care and check on me all the time......good health for an 88 year old and still can think and remember.....well most the time.....what is happening in my world!  OK....I don't hear like I use to.....I don't see as well as I use to and my hair is grey......B ut Crazy old Grandma Betty is under all this 'OLD STUFF; and I am happy for every day God gives me.....so I hope my sweet family is patience and puts up with me!


Bray was coming down last night,,,,but worked on truck......Libby is in So. Utah with her family so hopping  Bray would be down to stay all night.but went back up to the cabin....and went to church at Brighton and decided to hang at the cabin....Shared some cake with Suzanne and Gay and we watered our yards.... so did get a little visit with the neighbors....Weekends are long.....they have started back to church...half hour split session to get the sacrament.....I don't feel safe yet.....Nice day and I worked in the back yard ....a bit! But for some reason.....Sundays seem so long!

If Jesus walked on earth today
Would you hear all he had to say......
Would you believe him, come what may?
iF Jesus waLked the earth today/

Yep....my family.....

OF COURSE HE IS PRECIOUS.....HE IS PART OF HIS GREAT=GRANDMA Betty And all my grandkids....great-grandkids and of course their mothers are the best of the best!  With the COOKS back in the fold....I am happy again.  We added cute Anna a couple of days ago and she really fits in. I hope they all are proud of me.....I have tried to be an example to to my family....brother and sisters...nieces and nephews....children and not have too many regrets.....The hurts after the divorce were hard but I choose travel over depression, drugs or alcochol or anger....Just wanted to be a better me......I have many wonderful memories with the grandchildren....all learned to swim in my pool and I baby sat many hours. I am sorry I am not able to tend like I use to.....well there are the dogs I get quit a bit of them.......but thanks Nicci to keep me up on my prescious TUCKER.......almo...st one year old.......

Saturday, July 11, 2020



How lucky am I to get to live and see my third generation come along in such a darling little boy!!!!
He will be all his mom and dad are.....plus his crazy great-grandma Betty....determined to see the world and what there is out there to experience......don't let him ever forget that his crazy great-grandmother could not be satisfied....... to not see and do all there was out there to be done!!! I am so proud of Nicci and Bill for being such wonderful parents and being sure Tucker will follow their steps.......Pam is going up the first of August for two weeks to celebrate Tucker's first birthday.....


NO... Big Night bcause sweet Richie and Anna got married and I got to be there with my sweet family of Sherrie and Pam...Things have been pretty dull around here the last few months....but Sherrie got me a new dress and it was so fun being out and about again...yes, there were many masks....but like seat belts.....we are getting use to them!  ANNA is a sweet girl and from South Carolina....Mom and her boy friend.....Dad and his girl friend and little sister were all there....and I guess ....crassed a little..Sherrie called TONI and said do not come.....They didn't.....thank goodness! Families now days are not real families.....poor kids...torn between and my kids are going thorugh it with Toni even though Don and I buried the hatchet......but he is in la-la land now.  Toni informed Sherrie they were fine and did not want to see them and the only way to her father was  through her as he had no phone....they blocked their phones for help!
Anyway the wedding was in a big barn in the middle of a hay field with goats and was very different.  They had it very open and airy and the ceremony was chairs set outside....very hot..... under an arch.  Not long....not religious because Anna is not mormon.....Uncle Mark married them. ....then a very nice dinner....fans, hand sanitizers etc......It  seemed all Petersons and Cooks and a few of Riche's frineds as Anna doesn't know anyone......Poor Asylyn is working in the hospital in Vernal and not suppose to leave Vernal ....nor is her husband Alex....so she  kept her mask on and was not in any pictures,,,,,,terrible they are controlling your life like this!  Brayden had to work and Libby went to Cedar City with her mom to clean out grandpa's house as they put him in a care center....Isn't Life changing for everyone.......?  The weather was great....now our Scotty's mission call....to where...as Brazil is out ...the church had his farewell on ZOOM......SO no fairwell or good bye to him and we are waiting to see where he will be reassigned.....He is such a darling boy....and I hope I am still around when he gets back in two years.....He said tell God you have to live till I get home.....I am so lucky to have had such  grand children and get to see 4 great--grandchildren.....I don't take any of this for granit.....my graditude for much in my life is great!
Congratulations to Richie B. and Anna.....that was a great wedding!

Thursday, July 9, 2020


They say "Like collects Like"....so no surprise these angry, unhappy, insecure, lying, hateful bunch of people have joined the devil in trying to destroy the freedom and love of our flag and statues.......Can you imagine what our life would be if Biden wins in November?  Biden has lost it and this is his third try for the PRESIDENT.....In the midst of our Viris pandemic we are having to deal with this bunch......all they know is to say no to everything the REPUBLICANS are trying to do to get our country through this horrible viris pandemic...open, restraunts, schools, churches etc. and get back to jobs and normal living.....even if it is masks and gloves.....
BUT....in my life I have family ....neighbors.....and friends that help me stay anchored .....Yesterday SHERRIE and I had fun shopping and lunch and I hemmed some drapes for the cabin...Tomorrow we look forward to Richie's wedding and being together again...last week I tended Pam's two dogs for five days.....good reminder why I don't want another dog!!! Sherrie found me a cute new dress for the wedding....can hardly wait....outdoors wedding in Lehi....I couldn't go to his first wedding as it was in the temple....so excited for this one.  Scotty leaves the 26th on his mission....Brazil cancelled and still don't know where he will end up.  I  have faith and I believe God is watching over my family.
And as for the group here....what goes round...comes round ........and they will all get theirs  eventually!

watermellon and corn on the cob......

Been there ..... done that!
But understand that MEXICO is stopping all international flights to Mexico and closing their borders to all Americans for a year....what a switch....we have been trying to keep the Mexicans out of our country...THE Viris has them worrried....and it should.....But I had many fun trips to Mexico ... seen most of the country and enjoyed many Margaritas.....In fact Ann and I wrote a book..."WHERE TO FIND THE BEST MARGARITAS IN MEXICO....BY TWO LITTLE OLD LADIES FROM UTAH"...Yes, one of these days we will publish it......when the borders open!l  I love Mexico ...the people, shopping, sea, weather and the music and language!!!....muy bueno......
I guess no vacation for me this summer.....but I have corn on the cob and watermellon......which says summer for me.....oh heck...... I can always make me a margarita!

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Right.....You all know that is what you do......me too.  For the last five days I have been tending Bree and Henry FORD,,,,for the Panniers.   I have tended Bree a lot....but not Henry????.  He is huge and I have had to convince him  I am the ALPHA DOG in this house.......Seems all the Pannier kids were busy over the fourth of July ....so call on grandma!  Well. so for the last five days.....me and Henry.....have been working on whose in charge here......Henry sheds and there is white hair everywhere.....Pam said she would clean the house....BUT.....the poo in the back yard is my first priorty....they mow wednesday......and I don't clean....that is why I don't have a dog now days!!!! So Pam has a job tomorrow......I also had Sherrie's two dogs...Macy and Paco.or Taco or whatever his name is....... were here so you can image what my house looks like....an ANIMAL SHELTER....Unkept!!!  I wish I would get some more great-grandchildren and maybe not so many great-grand dogs????  Oh Well...IT IS WHAT IT IS!


This looks like so many places I have been in EUROPE.....There are lucky people who live in little villages like this.....Sunday....Monday etc.  But I feel lucky to be in my little  corner of Utah in a fun , friendly, and so far safe little neighborhood.  Yesterday....being the 4th of July....with all the children off doing what kids do on the 4th.....was very quiet.  My sweet neighbor had done a drive through at church....I don't do those .....got a box of sparklers (with 6 in it).....and a popcycle.....said we had to go light them at ten......so out we go...box of matches....pitchure of water to put the old ones in and planning on really giving our street a treat!!!! WRONG...our neighborhood came alive with fire works being set off all around us....wonderful fire works from our own front yard full of neighbors.....from 10:00 till 11:00 it was so fun...me an 88 year old great-grandma acting like I was 4 or 5.......as for our spriklers we finally got the man across the street to get them sparkling..do we ever grow out of celebrating our wonderful country??  I was excited and stayed up till 11:00!
We....a group of 8....went to the Hill's for sacrament this morning....I guess there were 21 at the morning session of church....still feel safer at home....with this viris.....
Anyway...Happy Day after the 4th you all......

Saturday, July 4, 2020

41 YEARS AGO....



Summer is flying by.....and we are wearing masks, using sanitizer and following the up and down arrows in the grocery stores......while Bidden hides in his basement and Trump faces the crazy people trying to take over the country.....marching, breaking into stores, burnning cars....IT is OK for Michele Obama,s mother to live in the White House for 8 years....flying on the plane for vacations and having us pay taxes so she can have cleaners,,,,,maids,,,,and all the privilages of the White House.....but let Avanca get on the plane with her father for political business and listen to the screaming,.....If I didn't have God on my side....I think I would jump off a bridge. I have many wonderful friends and neighbors who hate Trump....And oh yes,,,,,,grandkids.....All I can say......You trash Trump and Good Luck with what is ahead of the stuff the rest of your life.....My poor little great-grandkids who never had a vote have not much to look forward to in their life....so here is hoping we have enough smart people left in the US to vote for Donald Trump!!!


The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays.....So many fun memories from my younger years....parades, picinics, dances!......and always loving the flag and what it stands for.....now I watch with sadness as the gooks tearing down monuments..... wanting to take God out of our countries songs etc.  If Biden and his buddies get elected this fall...all you poor suckers are headed for Socialism and Communism.......bag god, bag the flag, bag our freedom.....WELL, I am enjoying this one as if my last.....but hopefully not. I don't care if your black, brown, yellow , red or white...we will all be in the same boat....the government controlling our lives.
Kids are all out of town  ...Lake Powell...Island Park Idaho, Scofield etc....so grandma got the dogs....Bree and Henry Ford....Sacrament at Hills tomorrow.   HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.