Friday, September 23, 2016


          As usual no cooperation from this computer in putting in a picture!!!
The news each day is so much killing and terrible politics....we each should try harder to do just one nice thing for someone each day and maybe things will get better?
       "While much of America seems to be getting more and more devisive I am going to try to be more holding doors for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, greeting all I meet with a smile and exercising patience with others.  I'll do this as often as I have an opportunity.  I will not stand by and let children live in a world where unconditional love is invisible and being rude is acceptable.  Love must begin somewhere and love will overcome hate....imagine the difference if we each purposefully loved more."
        Don't write your name in the sand.....waves will wash it away.....
        Don't write your name in the sky.....the wind will blow it away.....
        Write your name in the hearts of people you come in touch with....
        That is where it will stay.
Sherrie surprised me and popped in for a few minutes.....So love my kids.

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