Sunday, September 18, 2016


 Right now I don't know what to grandson is getting married in about three weeks and his family.....including him.....have not spoken to me since Christmas.......
I will RSVP that I won't be to the dinner the night before and I really don't want to go to the wedding reception.....but something inside me keeps saying Betty you will regret it if you don't.....I just keep remembering a year ago when Andrea was married how bad Karrie treated our family the night we didn't go for pictures.....the rest of the family went to some Pub and had dinner before we went to the reception at the Capital....the night of the wedding.....I am so sad.....I did not raise this child to be this way and have her turn her children against us....she is so lucky to still have a mother who is alive and loves her so much and how many people on this earth have an identical twin sister?  Where did I fail God?

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