Sunday, September 18, 2016


 Church day......then the boys came for lunch.  Bray and I watched a movie before he took off to fly back to Vernal with Darren.....Sherrie and Alex drove home with the horses......The family had a nice weekend at their cabin in Park City and Sher said the leaves were turning so pretty up there.
I had a nice quiet weekend and got in a nice
outside these days.....Had the four girls over for Mexican Train on Friday so ready for a day of rest......but got my house cleaned!!!  You know wash the bathroom rugs, dust the corners and clean off the counters etc.!!!
I was thinking how you talk yourself into stress.....why not talk yourself into less stress???  Anything given energy grows......Stress is so pushy; It can be hard to push aside....But you can put it in it's place....How? By talking back!
Show stress who's boss by telling it to buzz off because the wonders in your life deserves more attention than the worries.....It's true they do......
Just saw my cute neighbor Kelly walk by with her dog.....why aren't I walking Gigi? Love my neighbors and several of them came up and hugged me in church this morning and door offered to bring me lunch.....I have so much to be thankful for......and don't deserve it!  Maybe I can do better next week.......

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