Monday, September 5, 2016


HAPPY LABOR all who have been lucky enough to be out and about on this beautiful Fall Day......
Bur seriously.......have you ever had a 20 minute conversation with someone about their tuff life and then walked away and said to yourself...."SERIOUSLY?".....and they didn't give you a chance to tell them all the things wrong with yours?
I am worried about Alex......When a relationship dies, do we ever really give up the ghost or are we forever haunted by The Spirits of the relationship past?  For has haunted me for 30 years.
Next thought......I am so excited I have lived long enough to see Richie and William heading for marriage and I hope they have long happy lives together......
I know my blogs are pretty boring.....but they are for me to express what my thoughts are today.....If you don't like it.....don't read it!
Today Ends summer for me.....

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