Saturday, September 10, 2016


A great Fall day in the land of last the Cook kids and Christensons got together for a fun day at's been way too long.....Pam has Aaron for the weekend and did make it to Tailgates but  home while Rob stayed for game......William and Liz home from Europe this evening......I didn't leave the house.....Patty came for coffee......I loved what Opra said as she watched the sun rise over Halekala National Park, Hawaii;
"As you view some of the wonders of God....The sun rises, or sun sets and the nature and God and life and mystery.  The timelessness of it all....I've been on earth 62 years....(For me 84+), and am ever more conscious of what that number means to others. But I know for sure that it's nothing more than a marker of time, a measure of breaths taken and days passed......The number doesn't impact how I feel about anything or anybody----especially myself.  I'm more in touch with living in the present moment than I've ever been before.   I think I've finally mastered the power of now....(thank you Eckhart Tolle....I also have his book)....And this moment, this breath is too ginormous, to precious and wordless to ever be defined by a number." Opra
Our sunset over the Great Salt Lake are wonderful.
What if the spider you killed in your home had spent his entire life thinking that you were his roommate?
Ever think about that?
No, you only think about yourself!

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