Friday, September 23, 2016


          As usual no cooperation from this computer in putting in a picture!!!
The news each day is so much killing and terrible politics....we each should try harder to do just one nice thing for someone each day and maybe things will get better?
       "While much of America seems to be getting more and more devisive I am going to try to be more holding doors for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, greeting all I meet with a smile and exercising patience with others.  I'll do this as often as I have an opportunity.  I will not stand by and let children live in a world where unconditional love is invisible and being rude is acceptable.  Love must begin somewhere and love will overcome hate....imagine the difference if we each purposefully loved more."
        Don't write your name in the sand.....waves will wash it away.....
        Don't write your name in the sky.....the wind will blow it away.....
        Write your name in the hearts of people you come in touch with....
        That is where it will stay.
Sherrie surprised me and popped in for a few minutes.....So love my kids.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Another battle with this commuter......about to toss it......Middle of the week and need to catch up.....Quite Monday.....Tuesday went to a movie with Rob and the boys.....enjoyed "Sully".....Wednesday off to Patty's with Ruth for lunch.  Ken off with Grandma Kay for the evening....The weeks just fly by.
       I was just thinking how we build shrines to ourselves when we cover our walls and shelves with pictures of the past and present doings of our families.....I love to go into homes of people with pictures of their children when young, their parents and fun momentos their children made sitting around.
        It is important to feel connected to something bigger.....and remembering where we came can bring much joy into our lives.  It is good for your spirit to make your history a part of your home.  

Sunday, September 18, 2016


 Right now I don't know what to grandson is getting married in about three weeks and his family.....including him.....have not spoken to me since Christmas.......
I will RSVP that I won't be to the dinner the night before and I really don't want to go to the wedding reception.....but something inside me keeps saying Betty you will regret it if you don't.....I just keep remembering a year ago when Andrea was married how bad Karrie treated our family the night we didn't go for pictures.....the rest of the family went to some Pub and had dinner before we went to the reception at the Capital....the night of the wedding.....I am so sad.....I did not raise this child to be this way and have her turn her children against us....she is so lucky to still have a mother who is alive and loves her so much and how many people on this earth have an identical twin sister?  Where did I fail God?


 Church day......then the boys came for lunch.  Bray and I watched a movie before he took off to fly back to Vernal with Darren.....Sherrie and Alex drove home with the horses......The family had a nice weekend at their cabin in Park City and Sher said the leaves were turning so pretty up there.
I had a nice quiet weekend and got in a nice
outside these days.....Had the four girls over for Mexican Train on Friday so ready for a day of rest......but got my house cleaned!!!  You know wash the bathroom rugs, dust the corners and clean off the counters etc.!!!
I was thinking how you talk yourself into stress.....why not talk yourself into less stress???  Anything given energy grows......Stress is so pushy; It can be hard to push aside....But you can put it in it's place....How? By talking back!
Show stress who's boss by telling it to buzz off because the wonders in your life deserves more attention than the worries.....It's true they do......
Just saw my cute neighbor Kelly walk by with her dog.....why aren't I walking Gigi? Love my neighbors and several of them came up and hugged me in church this morning and door offered to bring me lunch.....I have so much to be thankful for......and don't deserve it!  Maybe I can do better next week.......

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Don't you hate it when your phone is smarter than you?  After all these years and the phones I have mastered in my life.....why can't I see how they first I would see people in the store with their phones to their every now and then I would put mine to my ear and pretend I was talking to I would fit I'm going deaf and don't hear it half the time when someone calls me!....and most the time when I am trying to find a coupon or something on it I have to get some nice person to help me.....really kills me when that nice person is only 10 or 12????
Had GIGI groomed today and she looks darling with two fancy bows in her ears.....know that won't last long.
Ken and I just hang out in our jammies at night.....each doing our own thing, I really love having him here and Bray in and out.  The hills have started turning their beautiful colors so guess Fall is upon us....and Christmas around the have most my shopping done.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

SAD DAY.....BEEN 15 years......

The whole day has been spent on the Memorials of 7-11.....where did the last 15 years go?  Such a sad time for our country and so many families.....they have done a beautiful job of rebuilding the America always bounces back, but we miss the Twin Towers. Our country is in a real mess because of Obama!!!!
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom....What one person receives, without working for, another person must work for without receiving......The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from someone else.....When half of the people get the wealth and they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when both half's get the idea that is does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for...... that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.  You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it"  Dr. Adrian Rogers. 
So true.....I see this in my own friends....Scary.
Brayden and Ken went down town to the Conference center with my sweet neighbors the Hills, then Bray took Ken to see President Allred for his monthly visit.....been rather quiet around here all afternoon. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016


A great Fall day in the land of last the Cook kids and Christensons got together for a fun day at's been way too long.....Pam has Aaron for the weekend and did make it to Tailgates but  home while Rob stayed for game......William and Liz home from Europe this evening......I didn't leave the house.....Patty came for coffee......I loved what Opra said as she watched the sun rise over Halekala National Park, Hawaii;
"As you view some of the wonders of God....The sun rises, or sun sets and the nature and God and life and mystery.  The timelessness of it all....I've been on earth 62 years....(For me 84+), and am ever more conscious of what that number means to others. But I know for sure that it's nothing more than a marker of time, a measure of breaths taken and days passed......The number doesn't impact how I feel about anything or anybody----especially myself.  I'm more in touch with living in the present moment than I've ever been before.   I think I've finally mastered the power of now....(thank you Eckhart Tolle....I also have his book)....And this moment, this breath is too ginormous, to precious and wordless to ever be defined by a number." Opra
Our sunset over the Great Salt Lake are wonderful.
What if the spider you killed in your home had spent his entire life thinking that you were his roommate?
Ever think about that?
No, you only think about yourself!

Friday, September 9, 2016


Aw come on.....the only normal in the world is on our washing machines.......
I have been to many places around the world in my life so far.....6 of the 7 continents, 48 of the 50 states and about 120 countries.....but I have never been in Cahoots.....apparently you can't go alone, you have to be in Cahoots with someone......I've also never been in Cognito either, I hear no one recognizes you there........I have however been in Sane.....they don't have an airport, you have to be driven there.   I have made several trips.  I guess I could put these on my Bucket List!
Pam and Aaron came over for a couple of hours which was great.  Then I had Ken do a service project for me......we cleaned the trees out of one of my window wells....only three more to go.  Waiting for Sherrie and Dar to come by with dinner and surprise Ken.
Nice Fall day.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


How many times have you used "doohickey"?  As long as I can remember everyone says you know  says the "whatchamacallit" and "thingamabob".... is it just a Coloradoan thing or is it universal?  I always know exactly what they are talking the time they are through....... Love it!
I think it was my sister who posted on face book....I'm 11 years older than she is......... and I guess she knows I really relate to "OLD"........a few things that yes, I am guilty of.
1.  I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice!
2.  Sometimes I roll my eyes out loud.
3. I don't need anger management.....I need people to stop pissing me off.
4.  My  people skills are just fine....It's my tolerance of idiots that needs work.
5.The biggest lie I tell myself is; "I don't need to write it down.......
 I'll remember it."
6.  When I was a child I thought nap time was a punishment......Now it's like a mini vacation.
7.  Even duck tape can't fix stupid......but it can muffle the sound.
8. " Getting lucky"......means walking into a room and remembering why I'm there or finding my car in the parking lot!
9.  Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle free and 3 sizes smaller?
10. A stumble.....may prevent a fall.......
Quiet day....toaster died and bought a new one.....smoke alarm keeps beeping  (even with the battery removed), I bought a new saw to saw the trees that are growing in my window know just a typical day in Zion........and it's garbage day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


What is so fun about families.......they are all the same.....but different.  Each child comes along with their own personalities to adds enrichment to a family......sure lots of likes and dislikes......but always love.
Family isn't always about the people in your life who are blood relatives.....It's about the people in your life who want you to be in theirs.  I kid that one neighbor in my life is my sister by another mother......and I love her dearly. Also, it's about the people in your life who accept you for who you are, support you in things you choose to do and no matter what are there for you........It is the people in your life who love you, respect you and who you can depend on.....Now That's Family.....

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


It has been warned in the last days we will be tested in many ways.......Well, every days news papers and TV and just your family, friends and neighbors life stories are proving that......Daughter Sherrie loves her horses......she has lost four in the last six weeks.....WHY? Various reasons according to the Vet, but really seems odd.  Thank goodness she was out of town for two of them.....My good friend Shirley just told me her brother died yesterday and she didn't get to tell him good-bye......a couple of family breakups......always sad.  Guess I will quite moaning about the set of keys I can't find!
                    I guess as long as you never quit caring and always try to be there for those who need you is about all you can do........... when see the people you love hurting. 
"Nobody has it easy, every body has issues, you never know what people are going through......So pause before you start criticzing or mocking others......Everybody is fighting their own unique war,,,,,,
Sweet son-in-law Rob came and replaced two fire alarm batteries that were driving me crazy and showed me how to have Ken pull the trees out of my window wells after he sprayed them for me.....a good friend......J feed his gold fish every weekend he is in Island Park......

Monday, September 5, 2016


HAPPY LABOR all who have been lucky enough to be out and about on this beautiful Fall Day......
Bur seriously.......have you ever had a 20 minute conversation with someone about their tuff life and then walked away and said to yourself...."SERIOUSLY?".....and they didn't give you a chance to tell them all the things wrong with yours?
I am worried about Alex......When a relationship dies, do we ever really give up the ghost or are we forever haunted by The Spirits of the relationship past?  For has haunted me for 30 years.
Next thought......I am so excited I have lived long enough to see Richie and William heading for marriage and I hope they have long happy lives together......
I know my blogs are pretty boring.....but they are for me to express what my thoughts are today.....If you don't like it.....don't read it!
Today Ends summer for me.....

Sunday, September 4, 2016


Church Day......In fact Testimony Day......Which is not my favorite Day......My sister loves it!!!  Who cares????  This is my message to all who ask......and as I have traveled the world I have been asked many time......mostly on cruises by Jewish people.......Oh,

 your from SLC.....are you a Mormon?
       YES......I am a Mormon......
       No, I don't worship Joseph Smith......
       Yes, I am a Christian......
        No, I don't hate gays.....
        No, I will never shove the book of Mormon nor the Bible down your throat....and yes we use both......
       No, I don't tell non-Mormons they are going to Hell.....
       And, no I don't think I am better than anyone else........
                 I was put on Earth to prove to my Heavenly Father that I am worthy to return to live with Him , to be an example of the love, that He and His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, has for spread his gospel to all those who are ready to receive it.....
              PERIOD!!!!!!! has been a long lonely Labor Day Weekend!

MY WILL.....

This is my third grandchild WILLLIAM........I was so excited to get a boy after two darling granddaughters......Yesterday he was in Ireland (one of my favorite places) with his long time girl friend and good buddy JIMMY......and he proposed to Liz.......and they are getting married!  I think Liz knows him as well as anyone does......AND  of course the traveler I am.....It is so exciting it is in EUROPE in front of one of their favorite castles.......why not?  Been to Ireland......kissed the Balarney Stone and the whole works.....why not?  I am so excited for you WILL......GOOD LUCK you two and I am looking forward to the day you become.....MR AND MRS William Pannier......Be safe and have fun.......

Saturday, September 3, 2016

TO ALEX........

I have an idea what you are going through now as I had someone walk out on me after 30 years of marriage......and the rejection was terrible!!!!\
You are still the darling sweet person you have always love the Lord, your family, your friends and cannot change the person that left you......they have taken their many problems with them.....they are insecure because of things in their past, unhappy with themselves and just want attention......leave them be and look for someone else.....maybe you deserve better.....I know the girls and I did......
Love yourself and know you will be all you can be and have a good life.....Gram


SO THERE.......That is what kind of weekend I am having......I feel so bad that everyone doesn't have a sister to call them and cheer them up......mine just seems to know when I am at the bottom and need someone who cares to be there for them........Yes, I have lots of friends and good neighbors but they all seem to have an agenda for the Holiday Weekend so I am just here feeling sorry for myself.  I had three sisters but two of them are gone now and I realize how much they mean to me.  I do have three daughters....two of them identical twins.......and I hope some day they will realize there is nothing that can replace a sister.....BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!!! as they are not "sistering" at this point in their life!  I know they will be so sorry for all the time lost someday.....

Friday, September 2, 2016


SEPTEMBER.......soon the leaves of brown will come tumbling down!
A long and very quiet two families are out of town, plus most my neighbors.....BIG LABOR DAY WEEKEND and the end of summer for most of us.
Can't decide what to do but the words....."Lead me not into temptation".....keep coming to mind.....Oh who am I kidding?  Follow me, I know a short cut! seems a better answer........
While praying one day a woman asked...."Who are you God?".....He answered...."I AM"  But who is I AM?"....she asked.  He replied.....I Am Joy......I Am strength....I Am Love.....I Am Peace......I Am Grace....I Am Safety.....I Am Shelter.....I Am Power....I Am The Creator....I Am The Comforter.....I Am the Beginning and The End......I Am the Way, Truth, and The Light.....With tears in her eyes she looked toward Heaven and said....."Now I understand, but who am I?  God tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered......."You Are Mine."
Kinda says it all.........