Wednesday, March 30, 2016


An interesting day with Patty and Ruth.......a trip out to a friend named Jackie for lunch......she has a beautiful new condo but way on the other side of the valley......nice lunch and good would never believe Patty's latest ordeal!!!  I guess it is nice having friends who keep you on your toes.  Brayden called and if the weather is good will fly in tomorrow with his dad and take me to breakfast.....I am so anxious to see him.  He will get his foot operated on Friday morning.
This weekend is General Conference which reminds me of a cute story:
President Monson was returning from a trip and was being picked up at the airport in a they drove toward home he told the driver he had done many great things in his life......but never had gotten to drive a Limo.....The driver stopped and changed places with President Monson.  He was crusing pretty good down the road when a police man stopped him.....the policeman got out and went up to the Limo......President Monson rolled down the window and the police told him he was going 70 in a 50 zone....then the police man recognized him......he excused himself and went back to his car and called his supervisor.  He said, "I just stopped this car for speeding but there is someone very important in it what should I do?"  'Who is it asked the supervisor, the mayor....No was the reply, more important"  'The mayor asked the supervisor".....No was the reply, more important"  The President of the US asked the supervisor"  No was the reply. well who asked the supervisor......"Well, I think it is Jesus said the policeman, because President Monson is his driver!"
One more day until April Fool's Day........

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