Sunday, April 3, 2016


Loved this man.......and if he says so.  President Hinckley grew up on a farm in Huntsville, Utah next to the farm of my x-father-in-law and for some reason that always made it seem like he was an old neighbor.  He is gone now and President Monson is the president of the LDS Church and this weekend is spring conference.
Today as usual I have no energy and feel I am fighting depression.......all I want to do is sleep!  I wrote last time about depression and the more I think about it the more I think I am ANGRY!!!!  which has brought this on.   I just cannot believe one of my children is treating her whole family like we were invisible......I taught her better and have decided it is not because I am a failure of a Mother........I am truly looking forward to some time away this month with my sister and a new environment.......I know......THIS TOO WILL PASS!
"Eventually you have to learn that life is too beautiful to waste being angry or sad.....Enjoy the amazing things that life has to offer"......

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