Sunday, April 24, 2016


Time to pack up and head back home......not really ready to go, but when you can get a ride you need to be thankful and work with their schedules......Sherrie and Darren are flying in today after church and will fly me back to Vernal, then drive me back to Salt Lake in a day or two......and they have my dog......not too excited about getting back to the loneliness etc......growing old alone is not good.
Pam did her Pam thing again and came down on Sherrie about my dog and having to change her schedule so she could pick me up in a week.....Sherrie called crying should we come or not?  I give up with my girls......they don't just come by and sit and visit because they want to see's always a have to thing.  I have enjoyed Kristi's family in and out and they do everything for Leslie because they want to.......I am ready to sell my house and move to Mesquite!!!!!

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