Monday, April 25, 2016


THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME......IS A GOOD THOUGHT......but maybe if you are hanging out with your sister and her family and a few other relatives that really like makes you question if there might be some place happier than home at this time in your old age.  I do hear from Sherrie every day but she is 300 miles away.  Several of my kids and grandkids live within 10 minutes of me.....but I may go weeks without seeing or hearing from anyone......Maybe I have it all wrong and I expect to much.    Sherrie and Darren flew down to Mesquite yesterday and brought me home after all most 3 weeks helping my sister.  I am on my third batch of laundry and did get unpacked but tired and not moving to fast.  I have a doctor appointment in the morning to look at my legs which keep bleeding.....and I do need milk, bread and off to shopping tomorrow.
It is cold and looks like rain.....I guess Vernal and Mesquite both have bad weather so I am glad we came home yesterday when we had good weather everywhere.....  it was a delightful trip home with Darren at the controls....I thought I would be very nervous, but I would do it again.......GIGI seems happy to be back to her own little bed and is really a good little flyer......guess she inherited it from her family of flyers!

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