Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Well to catch up a little.......I have been in Mesquite, NV a week tomorrow......My sweet Pam drove me down to help my sister after her ankle operation......and is tending Gigi......I have completely 'GHOSTED' out of my life in SLC.  I told several neighbors I was going......but have not wanted to talk with anyone but family since I got here......just get away.....a real break from THAT life.  I do like it here and can see myself in a little place like this......but guess that will have to be in my next life......I just can't go through another move with my 84th birthday only days away.
Les cannot drive so I have been delegated to run to the store, fast food joints, take Brayley to school or any other chores I can help out with.......spent10 minutes hunting my car at Smilth's the other day only to remember I was driving my sister's car that day......have had to go around the block now and then to get headed the right direction, but haven't had to call Leslie to get me back home yet.  We watch TV, read, embroidery, color or work on the computer.....and her kids and grandkids are in and out all the time to help us out.  The nice hot weather I came down to enjoy has not materialized yet......rained all last weekend and cool today.  We ran to St. George for Leslie's doctor appointment today and had lunch with my niece Tami Norton and Kevin's daughter and husband....... Tamrie and Jarred......Les got the stitches out and good news........ maybe a walking cast on next week!!!  Being house bound is about to get to her after a month.
And so APRIL is flying by........

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