Monday, March 28, 2016


Been a long time since I had been to church on Easter Sunday.......growing up, yes.  We always had a new Easter Dress and church......with my kids growing up.....yes, sometimes but my husband never went sooooo.   I now have a great ward with nice people surrounding me and a desire to share Easter with God.....Church , then a great dinner with my favorite cousin Lucille and her family.   Three of her six children with their children and their significant others filled her little house and her kids are great cooks like Lucille.   Nice after noon....I didn't have to cook!!!!  On the way home I got a call from my daughter and family returning from Easter vacation in  Mexico.....can we spend the night with you and pick up returning missionary I  hurriedly put together what I could find in the freezer and had another delightful Easter supper with Sherrie's family.  Pannier's fishing in Reno and of course the third daughter has dropped us from her life!.......
I hope everyone had a nice Easter with their loved ones!

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