Monday, March 28, 2016


This is my sweet missionary Brayden Christenson (on the left) who has been serving a mission in Spokane, WA.......he has been dealing with a bad foot irritated by a lot of walking.....seen doctors, been in a boot, given  a car to drive, different shoes......finally a decision to send him home to a specialist and get it taken care of.......but still having four months of his mission left........called a soft homecoming......with only his parents allowed at the airport......and grandmas!  They picked him up and headed for Vernal for the Bishop to release him and will be back tomorrow for a doctor's appointment to begin whatever has to be done.....will he go back and finish his mission will depend on his prognosis.  He did call me and I am so anxious to see him and give him a big hug! 
I love it that the boys want to go faraway for 2 years.....Brazil, Mexico etc......but surely do get lonesome!
Welcome back Brayden

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