Saturday, March 26, 2016


So many of my friends are going through this period in their lives .......when everyone moves on and they are left with memories of helping everyone else move on.....their parents, their children, their grandchildren and maybe even their great-grandchildren!  Ok everyone, now is your time to pick yourself up......and get out of your rut.  Had a fun day with lunch and a movie with my oldest grandchild.....she wanted to see a movie, hubby didn't....... so she left the baby with him and made a date with me......I am very honored my grandchildren still think I am fun and enjoy my company.
Today I started thinking about words.....take SOON for instance.  When someone says I'll see you soon, or talk to you soon or we'll get together soon......WHAT DOES SOON MEAN?  Does soon mean a few minutes, days, weeks, months or years????  I don't get it even a word with a meaning?  How is SOON measured?  I will graduate soon and it can kinda, hopefully be measured in a few months or years?  Dinner will be ready soon.....a few minutes, a couple of hours if you have remembered to turn on the stove ......or almost now!  Now NOW leaves no is immediate.........I sometimes wonder if we even know what we are talking about sometimes....and SOMETIMES......I am not even going to go there......we are.just saying words.
WELL anyway.......I do know tomorrow is Easter and church day!

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