Friday, March 4, 2016


Just been informed my one and only great-grandson Aaron is a bully!!!  That is what the day care center told his mother anyway???? Does bullying start at one??  He got a nice big red teeth mark on his arm today to prove there might be another bully in day-care or a nice guy that fought back. get through it with your kids, and then the grandkids .....and now I have to start worrying that my precious Aaron will turn out like the big bully 'TRUMP"?
We need self-esteem and start early working on it.....I embrace the position that I am a valuable human being....I also realize there will always be changes I can make to improve myself......however, these changes have to do with my growth, not my worth.  Have you ever thought....."I might not be the greatest person.....but what is my opinion against dozens of others?"....ha ha......But I do like myself and it is up to me to give approving, accepting and reassuring messages to myself about me.  I must let go of negative labels such as lazy, bad or dumb.....because we all are unique we should never compare ourselves to others.....I realize I have a right to my own feelings, opinions, beliefs and values and that I do not have to defend them.....I can hate Obama without having to defend myself as to why......I will not depend on others to make me waiting and hoping that somehow what I need will be brought to me by someone else.  I also take responsibility for my own feelings and moods, recognizing that I create these emotional states in myself and that I can change them if I choose.......sometimes easier said than done!
I have to decide to be happy enjoy all the small pleasures of life as they occur instead of putting happiness off until I get rich......get old......feel better....move....go to heaven etc........On second thought.....maybe I will put off being happy until I get my income tax done in a couple of days!......Then I will really be happy.

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