Wednesday, March 23, 2016


         I feel if I open this door into my secret garden.......I would go Awe!  I don't know what is behind this door, but it is pictures like this that stir your interest an quriousity .......Moments of wonder do more than take your breath away.....they can reduce stress, enhance bonding and improve your health.......Awe is the mind and body's reaction to being pushed outside of their normal way of looking at the world......"you feel you have encountered something vast in size, complexity or power"......watching something being born, something huge like the grand canyon or wall of china....some of God'[s wonderful works like a sunset in Bora Bora.....While many different things elicit awe, we all tend to express it in the same way with raised eyebrows, widened eyes, a dropped jaw, a sharp intake of breath.
       Our culture is awe-deprived......we spend more time looking down at our phones than up at the sky.....and wonderful things around us......But once you know how to seek out AWE, it is easy to find more and reap it's benefits.
       Wonderful news from Sherrie .......who is in Mexico.....Brayden will be home from his mission on the 28th due to the need of a foot operation.....YES!!   Talked to little sister tonight and she had a busy day with doctors and therapy and was worn out tonight.   Rob brought Bree over for the weekend and they are off to Reno to fish in the morning for the Easter vacation!   Tomorrow Mexican Train Day at Nancy's.......

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