Monday, February 1, 2016


WOW.......what a cold windy day......snow blowing and drifting everywhere.......I didn't want to venture out on the icey roads but my cute friend Patty came by for coffee and saved my day......I have been house bound for 3 days now! I may have  to snow shoe out tomorrow......but I'm off to pay bills one way or another.........I REALLY DO HATE WINTER......
I was just do you feel when someone you have never seen you a compliment?  It's a good feeling for you and it is also a good feeling for the person giving it.  Life is hard.....and this world can be a shitty place.  You never know  how much these words mean to someone........ you never know the miserable life they maybe going through and when you put positivity out there into the Universe.....YOU,  yourself become a happier person.  "Random Compliment Giving"......will change your life......and maybe some one else too.  It costs you nothing to say....."you look so pretty today" or "that really looks good on you" or whatever.  DO IT!
Well, guess I will go watch the Iowa Cacasus and let them put me to sleep........

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