Friday, February 5, 2016


       My sister quietly confided in me that she was having an affair.......
      I ask her ......"Are you having it catered?"
      The look I got could kill......
      And that my friend is getting "old".......I guess an affair to some, is one thing and to another, something else.
My friend and I had an interesting day......went to Dave's Health and Food place......I was interested in learning about the "OILS" of old .......and she was interested in learning about protecting her home from witchcraft!  Old people are strange????  Found a great book to tell me what oils are good to rub on what for what reason and a starter kit of oils. Sherrie and her neighbors are having great luck with different oils for different treatments......Shirley found all kinds of stones and shamans to protect her......I think?
Then my cousin told me about a Chinese here, never heard of it so off we went to check it, a market you would not believe......strange things every where and the live fish and octopus and chicken feet and ......well I felt I was wandering around a store in Hong Kong again.  We stopped and had a fun lunch and I will be going back there again when I feel adventurous......
    I have decided I need to list 5 things each day that I have gratitude for like you know .......just little things that really count but are over looked like;  A compliment from a stranger......Going to bed and knowing you can sleep as long as you want.......Or getting up early and watching the sun rise......remembering the smell of fresh baked bread when you were young......or finding something you thought you had lost!  I am greatful for these things....

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